All-season tyre test: Goodyear Vector 4Seasons Gen-3 review

There is an ancient gag that if you don’t like the weather in Scotland you just need to wait half an hour and something else will come along.

It’s a bit of an exaggeration - sometime you’ll have to wait a whole 45 minutes - but it’s definitely true that the weather can switch from glorious sun to skin-peeling hail in a matter of minutes. That makes it a tricky place to choose the right clothes but the ideal location to see if all-season tyres are the cure-all their makers claim.

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Recent years have seen a spike in interest in winter tyres and the proven benefits in grip and control they bring in cold, slippy and snowy weather.

However, winter tyres operate best at below 7 degrees and not only does their performance suffer when the weather improves but they wear out quicker. This means they’re not always at their best during the UK’s wildly varying winter weather. There’s also the time and money needed to swap them for regular tyres as conditions improve in spring.