Stornoway Black Pudding is a hit in London!

Pictured is Shona Macleod with Secretary of State for Scotland David Mundell MP, helping out on the Charles Macleod stand at the Taste of Scotland showcase.Pictured is Shona Macleod with Secretary of State for Scotland David Mundell MP, helping out on the Charles Macleod stand at the Taste of Scotland showcase.
Pictured is Shona Macleod with Secretary of State for Scotland David Mundell MP, helping out on the Charles Macleod stand at the Taste of Scotland showcase.
Charles Macleod Butchers Ltd of Stornoway were invited back to the Scotland Office at Whitehall in London, to participate in the 2016 Taste of Scotland showcase.

Hosted by the Secretary of State for Scotland David Mundell MP, the showcase of Scottish produce marked St Andrew’s Day (30th November).

The Taste of Scotland showcase, building on the success of 2015 event, attracted over 270 Parliamentarians and Diplomats this afternoon.

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They had the opportunity to taste and learn about a variety of Scottish food products such as the famous Stornoway Black Pudding, Loch Fyne Oysters and Shetland Reel Gin.

Shona and Claire Macleod of Charles Macleod Butchers were representing the Isle of Lewis at this prestigious event.

Shona commented: “It is a real privilege to be invited back to participate in this event for the second time.

“Our Stornoway Black Pudding was so well received at last year’s event, this was a fantastic opportunity to meet some familiar faces from last year, and to introduce our famous Black Pudding and the Isle of Lewis to even more dignitaries.

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“Everyone who came was delighted that we returned for the second year, they were so looking forward to getting their black puddings!”

Speaking from the event Claire said: “What a fantastic day we had meeting some really lovely people from all over the world and great to introduce them to Stornoway Black Pudding.

“We were delighted to have some extra help on our busy stand when the Secretary of State David Mundell MP put on his Charlie Barley apron to serve some of our customers, a brilliant salesperson and definitely a strong ambassador for the Outer Hebrides. We are looking forward to next year’s event already!”