The Lusa Spa is out of this world

Picture: ContributedPicture: Contributed
Picture: Contributed
The treatment

The Planets, £285 for three hours at the Lush Spa (115 Princes Street, Edinburgh, 0131-225 4688,

Why go?

If you’re bored of conventional spa treatments and want to try something weird, wacky and completely unconventional.

Our spy says

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The Lush website doesn’t say much about its newest therapy, but I know from previous experience of this place that it might be kooky, so check your cynicism at the door.

Therapist, Kris, talks me through what’s to come, and lets me choose from a selection of cards. Mine says Saturn and Confidence on it. Then I move through to the treatment room, where I’m instructed to lie on the table face down for the first phase of three.

Phase One

I’m not going to give EVERYTHING away, as much of the fun is the surprise element, but the first 90 minutes involves a thorough full body massage combined with talk therapy and choreographed to some lovely music that’s been based on Gustav Holst’s The Planets. When Kris finds a particularly stubborn knot, he’ll link that to a particular emotion or subject matter, and you’re prompted to talk about whatever pops into your head until the knot releases, then he’ll rub a cool or hot stone over the area to metaphorically “close the drawer after it’s been tidied”. I feel slightly self conscious at first, but, once I’m into the swing of it, it feels cathartic.

Phase Two

A tea party! A hand and arm massage! Chocolate! A palm reading! Positive affirmations! Some other fun stuff! Not necessarily in that order, but this is the crazy filling in the middle of this treatment sandwich.

Phase Three

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It’s time to think about the future, so let’s have an hour long anti-gravity facial using lots of lovely products, including the Full of Grace Serum Bar. My jowls are whisked into submission, and acupressure points along my temples and round my eyes are pressed hard. This is a lymph stimulating, circulation pumping experience that’s not for namby pambies. I love it and so does my face.

The results

I couldn’t stop smiling. This is a spa treatment blended with performance art and therapy. I wouldn’t expect anything less from Lush.


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